Blake Griffin complained last week he’s “definitely sick of taking hard hits,” and now his teammates are warning opponents that if the perceived cheap shots continue, there will be retribution.
"I feel like people are intentionally trying to hurt him," Clippers center DeAndre Jordan said, per ESPN Los Angeles. "It'll all come back around."
Clippers coach Vinny Del Negro scoffed at criticism that the Clippers haven't done enough to protect Griffin against the hard fouls, ESPN notes.
"What do all these people think you should do? Do they know the rules?" Del Negro asked rhetorically. "... Of course, we're going to do whatever we can to protect Blake and to protect any player but there's also a time and place to do it. You can only get so many technical fouls and you can only do so many things. It's up to the league to step in to put enough suspensions and fines on people when it happens as best they can."
Explained Jordan, "If Blake gets fouled, I can't go punch someone in the nose. We can't do that but throughout the course of a game, other fouls happen to other players on the opposite team and if they happen to be hard fouls, they happen to be hard fouls. We're going to protect our teammates; it doesn't matter who it is."
Griffin, himself, is trying to take the high road. "I'm not going to say anything; I'm not going to do anything," Griffin said, per the L.A. Times. "Right now we're playing for something bigger. We're trying to get a win and keep pushing in this playoff. So that's the last thing on my mind, really."