
Stan Van Gundy wants to return next season as Magic head coach

Orlando Magic head coach Stan Van Gundy wants to return to Orlando next season and continue coaching the Magic, he told the Orlando Sentinel on Saturday.

"I don't have a scenario in my head where I wouldn't," Van Gundy told the newspaper. "They're going to have to make decisions. But I'm a basketball coach and I know this: I don't want to go anywhere else. I mean, I love Orlando, and this is where I want to be. And I want to coach."

Van Gundy's comments on Thursday set off a media firestorm around the Magic, when the coach disclosed that he knew that star center Dwight Howard had asked that Van Gundy be fired.

An awkward exchange later ensued when Howard showed up to Van Gundy's media gathering and continued to deny that he asked for his coach to be fired.

Multiple reports indicated the Magic may have given Howard the power to determine Van Gundy and general manager Otis Smith's fate when he opted-in for next season.

Van Gundy and Howard have since agreed to focus on the team's play on the court.

"I think we have respect for each other regardless of whatever is being said or being put out there," Howard said on Saturday. "As a coach, I have the utmost respect for Stan. He's been a great coach on our team for the last five years. So I don't think that's the issue. I think whatever happened, whatever was said, was said. But the only thing we can control right now is tonight."

